SAI 2021 Jury Prize (solo)
© bozzo
© bozzo
Cover your mouth
振付・出演:安本 亜佐美(共同演出:坂本 公成)
楽曲:オリジナル/山中 透
京都市出身、在住。京都市立芸術大学院を卒業後、絵のモチーフの一つとして選んだサーカスに魅了され、英国サーカス学校へ。帰国後、京都を拠点に現代サーカス・アーティストとして活動。現代サーカス団体Co.SCOoPP、及び関西エアリアル代表。産業ロープアクセス国際資格IRATA level.1を所持。 ロープや布、プラスチックシートなどの「モノ」と「身体」の関係性を追求し、幻想的な作品を発表している。浮く事が好きで建物や樹にぶら下がってみたり、人を空中に引き上げがち。「国内ダンス留学@神戸8期」修了。
Choreographer・Performer:YASUMOTO Asami
Music: Original/Yamanaka Toru
Our life has suddenly changed by the Covid-19.
Masks,sanitizer, plastic barrier and 6 feet. We have an instant gap between each other to be connected to others again. Do a double take at the sound if someone is coughing, inch when someone reaches you. New moral standard and comfort zone.How do we overcome the resignation that we will never be the same before?
After graduated from Kyoto CIty University of Arts, Asami started a career as an aerial dancer
from 2011. In 2015, for further career, she moved to Bristol(UK) to study Contemporary circus
and Physical theater at Circomedia, completing Two years of Professional course. Now she is
based in Kyoto and running her own circus studio to develop a more Contemporary circus scene
in Japan. She's also a certicate rope accsess technician of IRATA level.1.