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Hong Kong Dance Exchange Invitation

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Tan-ki WONG

IT'S NOT MY BODY -chapter 3.5


振付・出演: タン・キ・ウォン


2014年から始まった「IT'S NOT MY BODY」シリーズ。独自のダンス感覚と身体への試みで、肉体と影の決闘を通してダンスの目的を再現する振付家タンキ・ウォン。今回、チャプター3.5を迎えるこのシリーズは、人体の研究とダンスの動機の探求を続け、踊るべきか踊らないべきか、自分自身を罠にかけるべきかかけないべきか、そして存在するべきか存在しないべきか、というダンサーの選択を観客に目撃してもらう。




第7回エルサレム国際振付コンペティションで<Division>が第1位を受賞。その他の作品<Galatea & Pygmalion>は2011年に香港ダンスアワードのインディペンデント・ダンス部門優秀賞を、<Galatea X>は2014年に優秀振付賞を受賞。ウォン自身も2015年に香港芸術発展賞の若手アーティスト賞を受賞している。また、IDO World Tap Dance world Championships 2012の男性ソロで第3位を獲得した。


Choreographer・Performer: Tan-ki WONG

Music: Original music/Wolff Bergen, Music degined & edited/Tan-ki Wong

‘IT’S NOT MY BODY’ series began in 2014. With his unique dance sensibility and experimentation with the body, choreographer Tanki Wong recreates the purpose of dance through a duel of flesh and shadows. Coming to chapter 3.5 this time, the series continues its study of the human body and exploration of the motive of dance, inviting the audience to witness the dancers' choice: to dance or not to dance; to trap or not to trap oneself; and to be or not to be?



Currently working as a freelance dancer, teacher,choreographer and multimedia designer.

His creation <Division> was awarded the 1st prize at the 7th Jerusalem International Choreography Competition. His other creation <Galatea & Pygmalion> received Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Achievement in independent Dance in 2011 and <Galatea X> received the Outstanding Choreography in 2014. Wong himself had received the Award for Young Artist at The Hong Kong Arts Development Awards in 2015. He also got the 3th place of male solo in IDO World Tap Dance world Championships 2012.

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