German Embassy in Japan Invitation

Sonia Rodríguez
何もない闇、何も残らない闇、すべてが変化する闇。不確かな運命の中の小さな輝きが、私たちを取り巻くすべてを変えようとする夢を照らす。私たちを取り巻くすべてのものを変えようとする夢を照らす。私たち自身のバランスを求める戦い。私たちの感覚を愛撫する機会の完全な空間。人生は絶え間ない螺旋運動である。らせん状の動きであり、始まりも終わりも定義できない。そして 何もない闇、何も残らない闇、すべてが変化する闇。
1974年、ラス・パルマス・デ・グラン・カナリアス(スペイン)生まれ。振付家、 コンテンポラリーダンスのパフォーマー、教師。
プロとしてのキャリアは、Cía Provisional de Danza(マドリッド1992-1996)のパフォーマー兼ダンサーとしてスタートした。ダンサーとしてだけでなく、スコティッシュ・ダンス・シアター(スコットランド)、ノルダンス(スウェーデン)、ザールブリュッケン国立歌劇場(ドイツ)など、様々なカンパニーの作品に振付助手として参加している。
Choreography & direction: Sonia Rodríguez
Music:Original/Oriol Rossel
The principe of all the things.
The darkness where nothing is, nothing remains, where everything changes.
Little sparkles in an uncertain destiny illuminate dreams that want to transform everything that surrounds us. A fight towards the search of our own balance in a full space of opportunities that caressed our senses. The life is a continuous spiral movement where we can neither define the beginning nor the end. The darkness where nothing is, nothing remains, where everything changes.
Caos was awarded the third best performer prize at the 8th International Solo Dance event at Stuttgart and won the price for the best choreography in the Danza Calviá Festival (Spain 2005 )
Sonia was born in Las Palmas de Gran Canarias (Spain) in 1974. She is a choreographer, performer and teacher of Contemporary Dance.
Her professional career began as a performer and dancer with the Cía Provisional de Danza (Madrid 1992-1996). in addition to being a dancer, she participates as a choreographic assistant creating pieces for different companies such as Scottish Dance Theater (Scotland), Norrdans (Sweden), Saarbrücken Staatsoper.
In 2002 she was awarded Best Dancer at the Madrid Choreographic Contest. In 2004 she was awarded the 3.Price as best dancer at the 8. International Solo Tanz Theater in Stuttgart and won the award for Best Choreography at the Danza Calviá Festival (Mallorca, 2005).
The Company Cía Sonia Rodríguez was founded in 2002 and since 2013 has had its headquarters in Berlin. The Sonia Rodríguez Company has received support from KRTU, C.C Heidelberg, Canaria Cultura en Red, Goethe Institute. Her work has been shown in Europe, America and Asia.