SAI 2022 COMPETITION Jury Prize (duo)
Photo by bozzo
ろうとばい ROU and BAI
振付・出演 :Null(岡田 玲奈、黒田 勇)
楽曲:Rocks / Eric Thielemans、Garden/Eric Thielemans、Moon Dance/Eric Thielemans
Choreographer・Performer:Null(Okada Reina, Kuroda Yu)
Music:Rocks / Eric Thielemans, Garden/Eric Thielemans, Moon Dance/Eric Thielemans
The word “dismay” in Japanese has its origin in the relationship between two wolves who have faults with each other and always work together in support of each other.
Initially, the word “support each other” may seem warm and caring.
However, it is a relationship in which both parties support the other because of their own faults. They are not just supporting each other for the sake of the other.
In this action, there is an unconscious presence of one’s own greed, which is just not visible.
However, the relationship is still one of “mutual” support.
2019年に大学卒業を機に集まって結成されたダンスグループ。これまでに各々が培ってきたダンススタイルやスポーツの経験、日常の様子から生まれる様々な動きと、融合を基盤とした振付をしている。 あらゆるテーマに対してまず〈ゼロ〉からの視点で捉え、かえりみることで新たな可能性を導き出すことにこだわった活動を行っている。
A dance group formed by a group of university graduates in 2019. Their choreography is based on a fusion of dance styles and sports experiences that each of them has cultivated, as well as all kinds of movements that come from their daily lives. The group’s activities are focused on taking a “zero” point of view on every theme, and by reflecting on them, deriving new possibilities.