2022 MACAO CDE Springboard Invitation

A Big Big Step to be Here
Choreographer and Dancer: Ku Man Ian
違う場所にいるときは、自分がどこにいたかを思い返す。自分が今いる場所で、私は 自分がいた場所に思いを馳せる。
When I'm in a different place, I think back to where I was. When I am where I am, I think back to where I have been.
The theater is a place where I have connection with the world. Stepping into the theater today, there is a difference between what the mind can reach and what the body can reach. Things should be invisible, there should be no red, yellow and green.
So, keep the body flowing.
クー・マン・イアン Ku Man Ian
2015年にマカオ・コンサーバトリー・ダンス・スクールを卒業し、その後、香港舞台芸術学院の学位課程に進学し、コンテンポラリーダンスを専攻。在学中、ニューヨーク(アメリカ)、北京(中国)、テルアビブ(イスラエル)、パリ(フランス)でワークショップや公演に参加。現在 を含む様々な創作プラットフォームに積極的に参加している。「マカオCDE Springboard」、「Jam with the City」、「Dansations」等。彼女の作品は『私は想像する 彼女は背が高い』、『Ten Minutes Monument』、『Audītŭs is Listening to Someone』、『Solo Practice』などがある。研究、身体観察、おしゃべりを通して、人と触れ合うことに慣れ親しむ。
Ku Man Ian graduated from Macao Conservatory Dance School in 2015; then she went to the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts to study for a degree program in Dance Arts (Honors), majoring in contemporary dance.
During her studies, She had the honor to participate in workshops and performances in New York, USA, Beijing, China, Tel Aviv, Israel, and Paris, France. Currently actively participating in different creative platforms, including: "Macao CDE Springboard", "Jam with the City", "Dansations", etc. Her works include: I imagine she is tall, Ten Minutes Monument, Audītŭs is Listening to Someone and Solo Practice.
She gets used to getting in touch with people through study, body observation and chatting.