Jury Prize (Dou)

photo by bozzo
Spring has come
振付:紫竹 康太
出演:紫竹 康太、山岸 千紗
Choreographer:Shichiku Kota
Performer:Shichiku Kota, Yamagishi Chisa
Now we both exist here
The meaning of sharing the time together
By touching you,
colors and temperatures appeared on everything in the world
Actually they were already there
People around you mean a lot
Something new to you spreads out by living with them
The meaning of we both exist at same period of time
The connection become more tight and strong... and it continues to the next
北海道出身。第9回北海道バレエコンクール ジュニアA 入賞1位 審査員特別賞受賞。
2013年 バンコクシティバレエに留学。2015年 ABC-TOKYOバレエ団 入団。数々の作品に出演、振付、演出も行う。海外ツアーにも参加 WSも行う。SAI dance festival 2018 competitionデュオ部門 審査員賞受賞。
From Hokkaido. 9th Hokkaido Ballet Competition Junior A 1st place. Jury Special Prize.
2013 Bangkok City Ballet Study Abroad. 2015 ABC-TOKYO ballet company. dancer, choreographer, stagemanager. Appeared on overseas tours. SAI dance festival 2018 competition duo section Jury Award Winner.