Bejing Dance Festival Invitation

Photo by Li Zhi Guo
Some Adore Blue
振付・出演:らお ぷい ろん
Choreographer・Performer:Lao Pui Lon
One goes through many different stages in life, and it is easy to get stuck in a so-called comfort zone. This comfort zone may not be the most ideal place to reside, but is the most effective way to avoid the change we so fear. Life circles around and around, but eventually returns to reality. How e will you face reality? With what emotion, with what attitude? We should all find a balance in life to make it become…
LAO Pui Lonは、マカオ大学経営学科を卒業した。現在台北国立芸術大学舞踊学科で勉強している。彼のダンスはヒップホップ、コンテンポラリー、バレエが背景になっている。最近の主な公演は、2017年、「踊る秋田ダンスフェスティバル」(日本)で『Unspeakable』、「Four Dimension Spatial, Macau」(マカオ)で『Luxurious Study‧In three movements』、「Brisbane Supercell Dance Festival」(オーストラリア)で『The Hands』、2018年、「Ning Bo Dance Festival」と「Beijing Dance Festival」で『Some Adore Blue』、台湾台北国立芸術大学サマーコンサート で『Soldier's mass-Jiri Kylian』、「Under Skin Project」(イスタンブル)などがある。
LAO Pui Lon, graduated from the Faculty of Business Administration of the University of Macau. Currently studying at the Taipei National University of the Arts, Department of Dance. Dancing background included hip hop, Contemporary and ballet. Performance experience:
2018 NingBo Dance Festival and Beijing Dance Festival-“Some Adore Blue”
Taipei National University of the Arts summer concert, Taiwan-“Soldier's mass-Jiri Kylian”, Under Skin Project,Istanbul,Turkey
2017 Odoru Akita Dance Festival, Japan-“Unspeakable”
Four Dimension Spatial, Macau- “Luxurious Study‧In three movements”
Brisbane Supercell Dance Festival, Australia-“The Hands”
Besides being a performer, Lao also is knee on creations, his creations includes ”A Tiny Little Story”, “Some Adore Blue”, “Hey!Dude”.