City Dance Festival Invitation

Choreographer:Allen Chunhui Xing
Performer:Allen Chunhui Xing, Abraham Texidor Aguilera, Luis Jovanne Medina Velez,
James Stewart Thomas Esquilin
As citizens of a society, country, we are facing many different challenges. Challenges from the living environment, political environment, work… and most impact ourselves. As citizens of the society, we receive labels… labels of being a foreigner, immigrant, white, black, Asian, poor, old, young, rich,……..people fight for the label they want, people fight for the label they don’t….we fight for the opportunities, we fight to conquer diseases, we fight for our lives. But what matters? What are YOU fighting for? Standing on the stage, after we share our stories and expose our inner selves, you see skins, muscles, bones lines, movement. Weight shitting, sharing, supporting, we are human bodies. What labels do you actually see? The inspiration of creating Citizen is the personal experience of my life in the USA. I have used my own stories and inserted other performer’s stories. Four dancers on stage, we tell our stories and remove the labels, we are dancers. Dancers with different colors. Dancers have the same human body structures. What labels can you still see? Does color still matter?
アレン(Allen Chunhui Xing)は、メリーランド州を拠点に活動するダンサー・振付師。山西芸術学院でダンス学士号、ソールズベリー大学で教育学修士号、メリーランド大学でダンス学修士号を取得。現在、Xing Dance TheaterとCity Dance Festivalの芸術監督を務めている。Huajin Dance Drama Ensemble(中国)の元メンバーで、2007年から2011年にかけて国際的にツアーが行われた作品『Forbidden Fruit Under the Great Wall』に出演している。PEARSONWIDRIG DANCETHEATER 2015にてパフォーマーとして『Rapture』、 韓国釜山メトロポリタン舞踊団2018、2022年にてソリストとして『男のレクイエム』。 Priore Dance 2018にてJacobs Pillow Dance Festivalのパフォーマーとして『Casita』に出演。2020年ボルチモアおよびメリーランド州インディペンデントアーティスト第一位賞、2021年ベーカーアーティスト賞、2021年ロシアシーズン学校振付賞、2021年ボルチモアアーティストリリーフ助成第一位賞、2021年シンガポール国際ダンスフェスティバル振付金賞受賞。彼の作品は、Dance Gallery Festival NYC, Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival, Next Now Festival, Peabody Spring Dance Showcase, Washington DC Global Perspectives Festival, Maryland Dance Festival, Beijing Dance Festival, On the Move at the Kennedy Center, Baltimore Dance Invitational, Richmond Dance Festival, Peabody Dance! Festival、Detroit Dance City Festival、Spector Dance's Choreographers Showcase、Japan SAI International Dance Festival、Finland International Gala、Seoul Choreography International Festival、Asian Contemporary Ballet Festival、Mexico International Contemporary Dance Festival、Dance Place 2020 season production、Clarice Performing Arts Center second season production、2021 DC Choreography Dance Festival、Orlando Contemporary Dance Choreography Festivalなど、多くの国内外フェスティバルに招待・選出され上演されてきた。
Allen Chunhui Xing is a dancer and choreographer based in Maryland. He holds a BFA in Dance from Shanxi Academy of Arts, a M.Ed. from Salisbury University, and a MFA in Dance from University of Maryland. He currently is the Artistic Director of Xing Dance Theater and City Dance Festival.He is a former member of Huajin Dance Drama Ensemble (China) and performed in the production Forbidden Fruit Under the Great Wall which internationally toured from 2007-2011. Rapture as performer by PEARSONWIDRIG DANCETHEATER 2015. A Man’s Requiem as soloist by Korea Busan Metropolitan Dance Company 2018, 2022. Casita as performer at Jacobs Pillow Dance Festival by PrioreDance 2018. Xing is the Both 2020 Baltimore and Maryland State Independent Artist First Place Award awardee, 2021 Baker Artist Award recipient, 2021 Russian Season School Choreography Grant recipient, 2021 Baltimore Artist Relief Grant First Place Award, 2021 Singapore International Dance Festival Choreography Gold Award. His work has been invited and selected to perform nationally and internationally including at the Dance Gallery Festival NYC, Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival, Next Now Festival, Peabody Spring Dance Showcase, Washington DC Global Perspectives Festival, Maryland Dance Festival, Beijing Dance Festival, On the Move at the Kennedy Center, Baltimore Dance Invitational, Richmond Dance Festival, Peabody Dance! Festival, Detroit Dance City Festival, Spector Dance’s Choreographers Showcase, Japan SAI International Dance Festival, Finland International Gala, Seoul Choreography International Festival, Asian Contemporary Ballet Festival, Mexico International Contemporary Dance Festival, Dance Place 2020 season production, the Clarice Performing Arts Center second season production, 2021 DC Choreography Dance Festival, and Orlando Contemporary Dance Choreography Festival.